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Episode 06: Featuring Jane Doe and Mandi Gray

Updated: Nov 8, 2018

Welcome to Slut or Nut: The Podcast.

Episode 06: Featuring Jane Doe and Mandi Gray

On this episode of Slut or Nut: The Podcast, Kelly chats with Jane Doe and Mandi Gray about why judicial reform isn’t working for sexual assault survivors, why we need survivor pensions, and what not to say to your victim support worker.

Mandi and Jane Doe are also featured in the documentary film- Slut or Nut: The Diary of a Rape Trial.

Jane Doe can’t use her real name due to a publication ban on her name as a result of testimony in the trial of the man who sexually assaulted her and with survivor, researcher and writer Mandi Gray. You may recognize the voices of both women as they are both featured in the documentary Slut or Nut the Diary of a Rape Trial.

Since recording this episode- Mandi Gray has been sued for speaking in support of another survivor of sexual. Sued for supporting another survivor? Sued for tweeting? Sued for supporting a friend? What? Yes.

So in Vancouver writer and former University of British Columbia professor Stephen Galloway has sued twenty different women, mostly students he has never met, including Mandi for tweeting and talking about him in their pursuit of supporting their friend who alleged that Mr. Galloway sexually assaulted her while she was his student.

He is suing the women for defamation of his character for their tweets and public comments surrounding the case. This lawsuit is going to trial and the women being sued, mostly students, survivors of sexual assault and activists are now facing legal costs and must hire lawyers to represent them in British Columbia, where most of them do not even live.

So next time someone wonders why a woman doesn’t report. Well, you get the picture. Because if your rapists isn’t found guilty- which only 6 out of every 1,000 are.. Then homeboy can just turn around and sue you.

True Story.

If you would like to support the defense fund for the women in the trial, including Mandi, featured on this podcast today- Slut or Nut will be donating the proceeds from any merchandise or DVD sales till December 31 to support the legal costs for these survivors.

You can place those orders directly on our website here.

You can find out more about the defense fund or donate to it directly by visiting and on

This episode features music by Lora Bidner and Jennifer Holub.

To be a guest on future episodes of Slut or Nut: the Podcast, please email us.

Full show notes and more episodes are available on

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